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Meet Our Pack


Meet Remi: The black brindle matriarch of our pack, our very first Boston Terrier, and the reason we fell head over paws for this lovable breed!


Remi blessed us with 2 beautiful litters before she was spayed, both fathered by Timber.


Registered name: Furrever My Remi


Nicknames: Remikins, Remington, RemRem, “The Captain”, piglet, sausage, and snorkel.


Likes: Her humans, carrying her plastic toy boat around (hence “The Captain”), frog-dogging, snorting and snoring, belly and ear rubs, rolling around on her back, army crawling, being chased, chewing on bones, and playing with her puppies!


Dislikes: Nothing, literally nothing! Remi is the happiest pup in the world!



Meet Timber: Our gorgeous, Champagne, male Boston. He may be intact but he is the biggest gentleman you’ll ever meet!


Timber is now retired. He sired 2 litters with Remi.


Registered name: Furrever Just Timber


Nicknames: Tim, Timmy, Tim-Jim, Jimber, Timb, Tim-Bo-Bim, Timber Jimber, Justin Timberlake, and Smelly Boy.


Likes: Chewing bones, belly rubs, lying on his back, grooming his ladies, protecting the yard, groaning and stretching, fake itching his ear for attention, when his mom "sneaks" him a treat, smiling, tennis balls, hiking, and chasing deer.


Dislikes: Deer, when anyone raises their voice in the house... for any reason, when we stick our tongues out or make funny faces at him, and taking group pictures.


**Timber currently lives in Reno, NV with his mom.



Meet Kenzi: Our petite, brindle beauty! She may be our smallest Boston but she is a big personality in a tiny package and the self-proclaimed leader of our pack!


Kenzi is spayed and loves being Auntie K  to all the puppies!


Registered name: Furrever in a Kenzi Frenzi


Nicknames: Kenz, Baby K, Kenz the Benz, Kenzi-Benzi, Queen Kenzi, bean, coffee bean, Chupie (a.k.a. Chupacabra), and the Manager.


Likes: All people, being the boss, everyone else's bones, being held like a baby, smiling, manipulating her people, standing on the counter to be tall, snuggling in between two humans (middle spoon), and "necking" (i.e. pushing her face/neck onto your face).


Dislikes: Eating un-garnished food, the cold, sharing her bones, people underestimating her because of her size, and when the other dogs do not fall in line.


**Kenzi currently lives in Portland, OR with her mom.



Meet Deja: Remi's only black brindle pup and an absolute stunner!


Deja is from Remi and Timber's 2nd litter.  She has had 2 litters and we are hoping to breed her again this upcoming spring.


Registered name: Furrever My Deja Vu


Nicknames: Deja Vu, Dejie, Deja Boo, Dej, Mama, Big Girl, Pumpkin, and MJ (a.k.a. Michael Jackson - because of her one white front paw).


Likes: Her mama (always), her other people (most of the time), chewing bones, destroying stuffies, chest scratches and belly rubs, playing with Kenzi and Dayten, kisses, walks, being spoiled by her parents, napping in the sun, being the little spoon.


Dislikes: Strangers, doggie diapers, being mistaken for a Frenchie, when Kenzi tries to boss her around, and when her mom leaves for work.


**Deja currently lives in Portland, OR with her mom.



Meet Harper: Our spunky, uniquely-colored, blue Boston girl!


Harper has had 2 litters, see her new babies on the "Current Litters" page!


Registered name: Furrever Harper's Song


Nicknames: Harper Lee, Harp, Harp-A-Larp, Harper girl,  lil' girl, monkey, and the coyote.


Likes: Her pack, sleeping on top of other dogs, bringing sticks inside the house, being outside, sleeping under the covers, wrestling dogs above her weight class (i.e. her 70 lb. Lab friend), and rearranging our items to make them into beds (socks/blankets/clothing/everything).


Dislikes: When her humans steal her indoor bark collection, the vacuum, and when her bed (the other dogs) decide to move.



Meet Siena: This girl is a beautiful, seal brindle and an absolute people-lover!


Registered name: Furrever Sweet Siena


Nicknames: Siena BooBoo, Sweetness, Si-Si Boo, freckles, and lovebug.


Likes: Her mom (Sharon), people, giving kisses, snuggling, being held, when people admire her freckles, kayaking, playing with her BFF (Brydger), biting Brydger, bouncing and pouncing (she gets it from her mom, Bouncing Betsy!), and wiggling her butt when happy.


Dislikes: Other dogs stealing her mom's attention and when people making fun of her underbite.



Meet Brydger: Our black and white male that is always seeking an adventure, he is the happiest boy!


Brydger has sired one litter with Harper.


Registered name: Furrever Brydger's Adventure


Nicknames: Brydger Boy, Mr. Bryder, Adventure Boy, Brydgie Boy, and Skippy Jon Jones (after the kid's book).


Likes: Constantly wagging his tail, going on adventures, all things new, exploring, hiking, sleeping with his head hanging off the dog bed, poking ant hills, barking at Harper, playing with his BFF (Siena), and the baby pool.


Dislikes: Being picked on by his Rottweiler cousin, being left behind, and sitting still.



Meet Dayten: Deja's fiery daughter is a gorgeous seal with brindling for days!


Dayten is from Deja's first litter (July 2020). Her dad is an outside stud from Vega Kennels in Roseburg, Oregon.


Registered name: Furrever Dayten's Daydream


Nicknames: Dayten Dream, gremlin, da baby, Crayten, crazy pants.


Likes: Her parents, playing with mama Deja and Aunt Kenzi, eating leaves, meeting new people, chasing the ball, laying the in papasan chair by the fireplace, showing her bottom teeth, snuggling with her mom during Zoom class, chasing her big Rottweiler cousin around at Grandma's house.


Dislikes: When mom or dad has to leave, not being the center of attention, the baby gate, loud scary noises.


**Dayten currently lives in Portland, OR with her mom.



Meet Dallas: Named after the Texas-shaped spot on her neck, this gorgeous red girl is sweet as can be and holds a very special place in our hearts!


Dallas joined our pack in May 2021.


Registered name: Furrever Dreaming of Dallas


Nicknames: Dilly Dally, chocolate chip, chocolate drop, little dill pickle, Dillis of Dallas


Likes: Kisses, staring longingly into your eyes, sleeping on her back with her mouth open, her leather elephant toy, sleeping in front of the fireplace, and lap cuddles with her people.


Dislikes: Accidentally being called Demi/Dayten/Deja, not getting to be the middle spoon at night, and snow.



Meet Demi: Deja's daughter is a stunning blue little lady! She shares her mama's big ears, beautiful eyes, and loving personality!


Demi is from Deja's second litter (June 2021). Her dad is an outside stud from Vega Kennels in Roseburg, Oregon.


Registered name: Furrever My Denim Blue


Nicknames: Demi Dem, Denim Blue, blue girl


Likes: Staring longingly into your eyes, her sister (Malibu), food, long walks to the pond, playing tug with the zip line, back talking her mom


Dislikes: To be told "No", fancy pants (a.k.a. diapers) and super suits.



Meet Vinny: This handsome boy joined our pack to help bring some genetic diversity to our breeding program. What we didn't realize is how fast he would steal our hearts! He fits right in to our group and we can't wait to see more of his babies!


Vinny joined us from an outside breeder in September 2021. He has sired one litter with Harper.


Registered name: Our Boy Vinny


Nicknames: Vin Diesel, Vinny Boy, Vinster, Vinny Binny, lawn mower


Likes: Attention and snuggles, snorting and snuffling, playing with Indigo the Rottweiler, his ladies, going boneless when belly rubs are offered, compliments


Dislikes: When his people get upset, eating when a girl is in heat, pet carriers



Meet Henley: This adorable brindle girl is Harper's daughter. She will help continue Harper's line in our breeding program when the time comes! She is sweet and spunky, and lots of fun!


Henley is from Harper's second litter (January 2022). Her dad is Vinny.


Registered name: Furrever Henley's Harmony


Nicknames: Henny, Henson P. Jenson (Attorney at Paw), 




Dislikes: When his people get upset, eating when a girl is in heat, pet carriers

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